Hello, My name is Roger Luznar, and I’m the owner of Sopotnick’s Cabbage Patch, located in Samsula, Florida.

Here’s a little history, as told by my Dad, Ron Luznar Sr.

“This was a farming community, and cabbage was the main crop of the season. This particular year, cabbage was so cheap that they couldn’t harvest it, so the farmers that were working the fields that year decided to come in and shred (with a bush-hog), 40 acres of cabbage. So basically what you had was 40 acres of coleslaw in the field and at this particular time of the year it doesn’t take any time before you start getting the smell of rotten cabbage. The bikers that were coming out here used to say, “You need to take that little dirt road out to the point where you start smelling rotten cabbage. There’s a little bar on the corner and you’ll have a great time there”. They started calling it “The Cabbage Patch” and from that point on, everyone started calling it “The Cabbage Patch”!

It’s just a great time! We take 2,000 pounds of plentiful, locally grown cabbage, grind it up, add 50 lbs of Wesson Oil, 25 lbs of mayonnaise, offer $1,000 in cash and other prizes and IT’S ON! Since then, it’s turned out to be the PREMIER BIKE WEEK & BIKETOBERFEST EVENT! It started out as a Tongue-n-cheek thing. Several other of the bars around town were having wrestling events. Billie Stevens, up at the Iron Horse, started it with the mud wrestling, then there was Jello wrestling, then Whipped Cream wrestling, then whatever… So I decided, “Well, if we’re going to have wrestling here, what better thing to wrestle in since you’re The Cabbage Patch, what can you make out of cabbage? Nothing better than coleslaw!

We’ve had some problems with Titties, Beer and Ass, I’m not sure if I can say that or not. Or T&A, and my response to that is, there are things that occur during BIKE WEEK. If it occurs at a bike community, it’s proper. If were to occur at a church outing or at a mall, it may not be appropriate and my other response is, if you don’t want to see a nudist, don’t go to a nudist colony. I’m not saying the bikers get nude, but they have a lot of fun, and they’re proud of it. There’s nothing to be ashamed of!

How can people drink so much for so long and still be wanting to party?? It’s Party, Party, Party and it’s a great time! You have to be here to experience it and see it. I’m going through thousands of cans of different beers and also the wines and whiskeys. It’s a lot of beer! The guys that pick up and recycle the cans, we’re talking like 6 tons of aluminum cans. If that’s any indication, it’s a LOT of beer. HA HA

Ron Luznar
1945 - 2016

Ron Luznar has been a polka promoter for many years. As an orchestra leader, button accordionist and president of SNPJ Lodge 603. Ron has a weekly radio show. He has also appeared on Cleveland’s Polka Varieties TV Show. Ron hosted in 1977 the first Florida overseas polka tour to Slovenia.

Button accordionist Ron Luznar, a native Floridian of Slovenian descent has recorded two albums. Ron presents the other side of the Florida sunshine, Slovenian Style polkas & waltzes with that sunshine touch. He recorded different styles of Slovenian music from today and days gone like traditionals as Silk Umbrella Polka and My Wife Is Happy Polka with a new flavor. Ron teamed up with Kathy Hlad for two songs, Top Of The Morning Polka and Evening Waltz. Ron Luznar received in 2009 the Trustees Honor Roll of the Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame for his contribution to polka music.

Inducted in 2009

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